Comment Policy and Guidelines.

Greetings from SNOWFLAKE

I set this channel up for personal blogs, personal stories, personal observations, personal opinions.

As much as I would like to avoid politics on here, it is inevitable that politics will invade this realm, so let me be more specific.

I might post something like, how my life experiences, how I grew up with racist parents, during the hippie era, and living part of my life in Canada, moved my ideology more to the left and made me a Liberal.

OR I might post about something personal, a trip I took, how I dealt with a crisis in my life, why I am so concerned about the environment, that sort of thing. I might even post my views on today's music or movies vs older music and movies. 

As long as you are sharing your own personal views, experiences, stories, the range of subjects could be limitless.

As example: A friend of mine used to post, on an older channel I ran, about her experiences with alcoholism.
Another used to post threads about her experiences living in Europe.

Hence, this channel will not be for everyone, what you want to post about yourself and your views might be deeply personal to you and not to be shared.

So I would urge users of this channel to do so within their comfort level, and how much you reveal about yourself is entirely up to you, though I would urge everyone to be very careful not to reveal anything that might give away your location, real name, etc.

Because of the nature of a channel like this, rules will be STRICTLY enforced. There will be no mocking anyone for their points of view, though you are welcome to point out your disagreements, but even so, in a respectful manner.

There will be absolutely no name-calling: IF someone posts that they are a supporter of a particular point of view (pro-gun, or pro-abortion, or pro- a political party), there will be NO lashing out at them.

I should also note, if you come here to hijack this channel to promote an agenda, you will be dealt with swiftly.

RESPECT should be shown to anyone who wants to talk about whatever they want to talk about, but again, I emphasize:

I am looking for personal blogs, personal stories, personal observations, and for people feeling comfortable to talk openly about whatever they want to talk about.

That may ALSO include any funny personal stories or observations, your posts on here do NOT need to be always deadly serious.

I WILL HAVE TO add you as an author though if you want to post something, IF I already have your email address, just let me know and I will use the one I have on file to set you up, if you are interested in being an author on here but have not given me your email address, unfortunately, it IS the only way I can set you up - however I will delete your email once I have it and send you instructions on how to set yourself up as an author. You must also have a Google account in order to log into the blog site to be an author.


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