Please read the Comment Policy Section below to understand what I hope to do with this channel.

Though it is self-explanatory, I like to welcome those I have tagged or anyone else who might be interested in what I hope to do with this channel.

I have wanted to get away from partisan politics for a while now, though I fully intend to keep engaging in such on Snowflake's Forum, I am hoping for a different direction here.

This channel will be ONLY for those who are interested in personal observations, personal blogs, personal life stories, personal points of view, and even posting something humorous.
Even your views on life, the universe, the fate of mankind. Have some fun here.

I gave some examples in the Comment Policy Section but I want to emphasize, this is NOT for news stories or partisan politics, but rather a chance for YOU to express yourself.

In the past I have had contributors telling of their personal experiences with alcoholism, or with things that happened in their lives that effected how they view the world politically, spiritually, personally.

AND YES, we can even use this channel for personal banter, or to get things off your chest that might be bothering you.
SO I will insist on strict moderation, if someone is willing to come on here and discuss something of a personal nature, there will be NO ridiculing or belittling. 

I will select the moderators I want to be working on here, and they will be a very select group I know I can trust, but more importantly:

I will need to add you as an author if you want to contribute to this channel, and some will be added automatically in the near future because I already have your address and hope this kind of channel will be something you feel you can contribute to.

Anyone else who feels this is the kind of place they would feel welcome to express themselves just has to tag me and I will work out an arrangement to get your email address and set you up.


I want to know if this will even interest anybody. So I will be sending out invites to a few people I have gotten to know and I hope when you get the invite that you will respond  either way.

AND - if you are someone who does NOT want to discuss your political views, AGAIN - this is a channel for personal expression and your contributions can be non-political if you chose.

Let me know if you want to author or if you would be interested in a channel with the direction I am proposing.

IF YOU WERE NOT TAGGED BELOW, doesn't mean you aren't welcome, just let me know if you want to be part of this experiment.

AND FINALLY: if you do sign up as an author, there is still no obligation, and even I won't be posting here that often, it is here as an outlet for personal blogs, to be used as YOU see fit or to visit as YOU feel inclined, this channel is not going to replace Snowflake's Forum, just offer a different outlet.



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